Vital Spirit Festival

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 14, 2021 8:07:25 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]THE VITAL SPIRIT FESTIVAL





ALTHOUGH OLDALE TOWN is known as a quiet, rural getaway, the Lunar New Year gives the locale new life. Flooded with the warm glow of paper lanterns and Lampent, the town transforms into a thrilling terminus for those wishing to celebrate underneath brilliant fireworks and starry night skies.[break][break][break]

Trainers and their Pokemon scurry into stalls to grab crispy, fried treats. Others scoop Magikarp up from pools with large paper nets. Those lucky enough to have a partner, find romance blossoming alongside the fire flowers of the night, often seeking clandestine comforts in the quieter recesses of the town.[break][break][break]


Many are dressed in Johto-styled garbs, while others find themselves donning thinner Hoennian threads. Nevertheless, festival-goers are kept warm by hardworking fire-type Pokemon like Camerupt and Combusken. High-spirited music plays from a main stage where musicians and coordinators perform alongside their Pokemon, while laugher flurries out from mini game stalls.[break][break][break]

In midst of the joy and mirth, Team Rocket silently recruits and steals. Although the public is at unease due to their return, many still (perhaps foolishly) find themselves carefreely wandering alone in the night. For this reason, the League has stationed officers and rangers here, should anything go amiss.[break][break][break]


In the woods near Oldale, there lies a stone shrine where attendees may pray to the dead. Duskull and other ghost-type Pokemon hover around this area, while people pay respect to their ancestors and those who have passed on. Even feverish festivals like these need spaces for somber reflection.[break][break][break]

[attr="class","reward2"]WHAT WILL YOU DO?


PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES BELOW. Although this is a casual event thread, there are some guidelines and courtesies one must follow[break][break][break]

  • every character of yours can participate; however, for the vital spirit milestones outlined below, only one character can redeem thread page milestone rewards.
  • you do not need to include a tl;dr in your posts, but it may be handy for those who want to skim through the whole thread.
  • your character can have access to any pokemon they possess in their personal computers.
  • please try not to post with all of your characters back to back/spam with one other person if it can be helped.
  • although this is a mega thread, it may be nice to ask the player of a character if you can have your own character approach them.

THERE IS NO CONCRETE VISUAL for Oldale Town; however, imagine that it is much bigger than what the games show it to be. In this event thread, Oldale Town is also spruced up with fantastic festival decorations, stalls and more. However, if you'd like a reference of what Oldale looks like, you can gain some inspiration from the image below:[break][break]



EARN INCREDIBLE BOUNTIES by participating in the thread. Below this post, a graphic detailing milestones and rewards can be seen. ICly, this is meant to represent the "festival fever" of Oldale Town rising as characters celebrate the coming of the Lunar New Year.[break][break]

what are vital spirit milestones?

For this casual event, there are two sets of rewards: PAGE MILESTONES and POST MILESTONES. Page milestones can be attained by having the event thread hit certain page numbers. Only ONE CHARACTER of yours can redeem page milestone rewards; however, all of your characters can still participate in the thread.[break][break]

Post milestones are for your individual character. Should your individual character post enough to hit the post milestones, they can individually redeem rewards for themselves. Any of your participating characters that hit these post milestones can redeem the rewards for themselves.[break][break]

how do i redeem rewards?

To redeem these rewards upon fulfilling a milestone, please post in the SITE SHOP with what you have earned.

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July 9
Top Champion
5'6 height
5'6 height
3,540 posts
Melody Miro DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @melody
Melody Miro
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 14, 2021 9:47:17 GMT
Melody Miro Avatar








song Melody is performing


This was one of her chances to shine, Melody had been nervous about this festival ever since her manager had signed her up for it. She was glad because this was gonna be a great way to get her name out there but she was super nervous about fucking up her song. The stage had dimmed as they began to announce her. "Ladies and gentlemen we have a special treat for you today!" she gulped upon hearing the announcer began to speak because she knew she was the opening act. "She came all the way from Lilycove and is an aspiring diva coordinator  who wants to premier her new song to you all! Meloodddyyyyyy!!" he said in an excited tone as the lights shut off immediately [break][break]

"HOENNNN LET ME HEAR YOU MAKE SOME NOISE!" she shouted into the microphone as the crowd cheered for her. As the song began, several flashes of light erupt from around her as her party of Pokémon came to assist her with her performance. She started the song "Undercurrents pull at your heart.." as she erupted into song and the lights blasted on, Primarina had created several bubbles in the air and allowed for the crowd to bounce them around with her and grookey got to work keeping the tempo for melody as she danced.


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[googlefont=Holtwood One SC][googlefont=Roboto][googlefont=Playfair Display]
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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,612 posts
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 14, 2021 9:52:41 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar






Razz hates things like this. [break][break]

They're too crowed, too loud, and he just wanted to go home and maybe sleep. Well probably not sleep as it as been alluding him since Rocket has made their announcement and it was making him live in a constant state of paranoia. Though when they were asking for people to work so others could enjoy he did volunteer his time. As there was without a doubt that Rocket was here, sure some could just be enjoying themselves. Though he was with them long enough to know that things like there were perfect targets. So he figured he'd kill two Pidgeys with one stone. Walk along and keep guard of everything, and unlike him his pokemon enjoyed these types of things. [break][break]

And since he wasn't completely heartless he would have a few one. Specifically Salem, as the meowstic was his service pokemon, and Whis, his shiny kitten who wasn't even old enough to know what this all was. So for now he had the cat accompany him as they took in the sites. Whis looking mighty excited and seemed to ponder as to why his own trainer wasn't dressed up. [break][break]


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January 29th
Castelia City
Hot Springs Employee, Media Personality
1 height
1 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
20 posts
Logan Ferris DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @loganferris
Logan Ferris
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 14, 2021 10:20:42 GMT
Logan Ferris Avatar










  • Location: Festival Main Stage
  • General Time: Early-Mid Evening
  • Unique Attire (Formal): Click Here


The sun had begun going down already, but that does not necessarily mean the day is fact, on this day, it means it's only begun. Party time! Clad in his own specially-made formal attire,Logan Ferris covered practically the entire stage with his routine, which followed shortly after that of Melody. He had been doing this for quite a while now, he knew the do's and don'ts...or most of them. Logan had created a routine that combined the traditional, slower, smoother movements of traditional dance, with the faster, more powerful modernised versions of dancing. As he breezed across the stage, his Mudkip was quick to follow; even the little Water-type had memorised the routine to join in! And above them in the sky, Havok -- Logan's Dragonite -- had began an aerial routine involving its moves; in particular, Dragon Dance and Hurricane, to create a spectacular sight that was almost like an Aurora Borealis.


In sync with the music from the other stage, Logan (and Mudkip) carried on with their routine, both of them grinning from their own sheer enjoyment. As they got to the later stages of their routines, Logan let Mudkip take centre stage. The small Pokemon put on an adorable, yet equally chaotic, display of dance moves it seemed to have picked up from watching Logan's own rehearsals. Logan himself, meanwhile, slinked down to the front row of the crowd, dancing along past them like a warm, charming breeze, even sneaking in the odd dance, flirty wink, or smile, or all of the above, with one or two of those closer to him.


Logan darted back on stage afterwards, as the performance was coming to an end, so he gathered Mudkip and Dragonite together. Despite being such a large, hulking Pokemon, Dragonite moved deceptively elegant and gracefully through the air as it continued its Dragon Dance, all the way until its feet touched down on the stage. As they moved into their finishing stances, Mudkip perched upon Logan's head, trying to balance on its hind legs, while Dragonite's tail half-curled around Logan's body. He had enjoyed being able to perform, but dear Arceus his face was starting to hurt from all the smiling.


As the applause and hollering celebrating his and his Pokemon's performance settled, Logan rushed off stage to allow the next performer to take the stage. As he moved past the growing crowd, he almost wanted to cry in relief as he felt the cold, brisk air hit his hot, tired face. A much needed breeze after dancing so much, under very warm spotlights too. He appreciated the Fire-types and their efforts to keep everyone warm, but he appreciated the late-Winter chills just as much. As the next act began, Logan slinked over to a nearby set of stalls. So much to choose from! While Havok was not interested in snacking, Logan and Mudkip very much were. Within a minute of picking a stall, they both already had their own huge puffs of cotton candy that they were gnawing on.


Logan glanced over at his Dragonite, who was currently in what the trainer called "work mode" -- which meant there was a risk that Havok might get a little too anxious with so many people around. "'Ey, buddy. Take a rest for now. If I find a battlefield for ya, I'll let ya know." he side-smirked as he returned Havok to his Pokeball. Logan felt bad, but he did realise that Havok would much prefer peace and quiet over being caught in crowds for the next few hours, unlike Mudkip, who loved the attention as much as Logan did, maybe even more. The raven-haired city boy looked around him in softly-portrayed delight, as his shoulder-riding Mudkip continued chewing on his cotton candy without a care in the world.


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[googlefont=Holtwood One SC][googlefont=Roboto][googlefont=Playfair Display]
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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
2,621 posts
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 14, 2021 10:55:58 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
just a basic arrival
[attr="class","hearmenand2"]He finds himself thankful for the jacket as the waning twilight gives away to a pervading nightly chill. Oldale Town is bustling with folks from all walks clad in traditional Hoennian fashion, tending to their stalls and wares as they are frequented by excited children scampering around the festival grounds. It's not unlike carnivals back in Sinnoh during the summer, save for a few key differences.

But while the cultural divide is extensive, there's an appeal to the humble nature of Hoenn's holidays, and Adrian proves eager to fall into this commercial tourist trap. Purchasing for himself a candied apple, he's content to aimlessly wander the grounds while lapping at his treat.

hadn't been answering most of his texts lately, but he'd reached out to earlier that day, asking if he'd be in the area. was also supposed to show up after some previous arrangement of hers (business related almost definitely, he believed), but until then he was alone with his mind... Scratch that. Maybe not completely alone. And it certainly wasn't good company he was keeping. He'd avoid looking too closely at any faces, not wanting his evening to be spoiled.

Life seemed good for the first few minutes of the festival. Could it stay that way awhile longer?
This is black sheep,
o v e r - a n d - o u t .
dandy ♫

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
0 posts
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 14, 2021 11:07:55 GMT
Deleted Avatar

Chloe glanced around oldale, the small town was completely transformed since the last time she visited. She was really impressed and admired all the work that the townspeople put in to make the festival so.. spectacular! The festival brought in quite the crowd, she carefully moved past swarms of people following her nose to the nearest food stall nearby, hoping that the line wouldn't be ridiculously long. Chloe was interrupted on her quest for food upon hearing the announcement of a performance. She looked towards the stage a little shocked to see the amount of fans that already gathered to watch Melody and Logan preform. Chloe was quite a distant away, so she couldn't exactly watch the performance but judging by the cheering of the crowd, they seemed to be amazing performers.
"Woah there!" She spoke out of shock quickly sliding to the left in order to avoid a child who had been dashing about. The kid shouted out a quick apology before quickly vanishing within the crowd not allowing her to even say another word. Chloe chuckled lightly, in a way she was relieved that everyone was still in high spirits after team rocket announced their return. Perhaps it was perfect timing for a festival.
Within the outskirts, Chloe saw a familiar face. She smiled upon noticing him and gave him a wave and a shout to ensure that he'd be able to hear her. "Hey Razz!" Chloe greeted him again upon getting closer noticing that he wasn't wearing any festival attire. From when he first met him, Chloe determined he wasn't much of a social person and he looked a little awkward within the crowd. "If your not busy, would you like to join me in getting food or playing some games?" She figured it was worth asking, but she also thought that he was patrolling for any suspicious activity since the league had requested people to do so.
Chloe hadn't been wearing anything special, just a simple dull red kimono that glistened in the light. There were small sparkly hair ornaments that clung onto her sleek brown hair that was about the length of her shoulders. "Maybe we can also find a stall for you to wear something festive! if you want to of course!" Chloe suggested cheerfully, happy that she was able to find affordable johto garbs.
Tldr; Chloe comes to the festival happy people are in high spirits, is on a search for food but then gets sidetracked by Melody/Logans performance, then notices and greets him.

+ @festival



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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,431 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 14, 2021 12:11:09 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
With Rocket's reveal rippling through Hoenn in uneasy whispers, Gavin takes his place among unassuming festival-goers as a representative of the organization's interests. Their presence is felt not only in the public's heightened awareness but in the uniform-clad League representatives that scan the gathered crowds.

Problem is, Team Rocket have grown accustomed to hiding in plain sight.

Flowing festival garb helps to conceal what Pokémon and weapons he has on hand, with an added advantage of fighting the Hoennian heat. Though some natives were accustomed enough to the tropical climate to consider this night cold, as evidenced by the fire-types working to warm them, Gavin's Galarian upbringing finds him suffering in the mildest heat. As he fans himself, he picks out a target in the crowd.

"Adrian." He inclines his head in greeting. With knowledge imparted by their last encounter, might find his 'friendly' smile a shade too sharp for comfort. "Enjoying the festivities?"

Gavin's just being a sneaky Rocket.
Approaches and greets him. Hi friend.
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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,612 posts
part of
TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 14, 2021 12:12:50 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar






At his name the young ranger doesn't respond. He's too busy scanning the area, and a he's still suffering from lack of sleep that small things go unnoticed. It isn't until the other ranger comes to him that he realizes that he was trying to get his attention. Salem seems to sass at him about something, but without directly looking at the cat he couldn't pick up exactly what was said. Instead he shoots the cat a look before giving the other a tired smile. As he could at least pretend to be semi-social in situations like this. It's what he was trained to do. [break][break]

"Ummm sure...? As long as I'm keeping an eye out it's fine," he replies though honestly he's a bit unsure about the games. The last time he tried festival games was with and he didn't favor then either. "And I'd rather not change, I am working so I'd rather keep the uniform," he informs, and it gives him an excuse to not dress up in a silly garb. Though Whis seems excited at the idea of dressing up as the cat jumps up and down beside them, "Do they have anything for pokemon?" [break][break]

@chloe [break]


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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,667 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 14, 2021 14:14:49 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
This hadn’t been the best week for Hideo.

He’d gotten close, real close, to convincing his parents to let him go out on his own and be a trainer. He was so close to getting to roam Hoenn, living off the land and gathering badges until he was ready to challenge the Elite Four and become Champion. The dream most kids had was within his reach.

Then Rocket showed (back) up.

His dream suppressed for the foreseeable future, Hideo wasn’t in the best mood. His parents thought he might get cheered up a bit if he went to the Vital Spirit Festival. A good ways away from home, but his brother was sent with him to keep an eye on him.

Said brother ditched him the moment they got here.

But he wouldn’t be wandering alone. In a sense, this was also a training session for one of his newer Pokemon; his Hatterene was holding him by the hand, staying by his side as they walked along the festival grounds. Hideo’s diminutive Ribombee was sitting on his head as well, helping to orient Hideo’s newest “caretaker”.

The three were close to a stage, listening to someone named Melody singing. Hideo didn’t know who she was, but her music was pretty good, so why not listen on? Not like he had anything else planned at the moment.

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
2,604 posts
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 14, 2021 14:26:44 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar
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"aw who's a handsome tauros huh? thaaaaaat'd be yoooouuu~" kazimir cooed as he ran his hands along the inside of the bull's luxurious mane and gave it a few scratches on the side of its head that seemed to please the pokemon by the relax looked of his eyes. kazimir was always down for parties like this, he was a sucker for festival food always gorging himself on candied apples and roasted nuts, and some of the activities they had were some of his favorite like shooting targets. this year the vital festival decided to bring along some taurous and various other pokemon to celebrate the year and you could try to stop kazimir from getting close and personal with them but that would be a mistake. he just really liked pokemon at times.
as he contined his pampering of the ox pokemon his eyes wandered over to the passing crowds, his sight darting left and right as he tried to get a clear picture of people around him. with recent news about team rocket resurfacing he couldn't take any chances anymore that they wouldn't try something at a festival like this. the last festival based around the new year's arrival might not have been because of them but it was probably better if pokkenger had a watchful eye on things. at the very least if they didn't try anything an agent of theirs might just be lurking around here.
his concentration is suddenly broken as he feels something press into his side. looking down he can't help but smile at the taurus looking at him and letting out a snort as it pressed its head against his stomach one more time and starting to nudge him until kazimir brought his hand back to its face and began rubbing its cheek. "oh your a fussy one aren't you? ok ok i'll give ya five more minutes, but then i gotta get going y'know? hero work and all that."


[attr="class","tag"]@vital festival

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
750 height
750 height
you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
1,815 posts
Sénon Game DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @crimsen
Sénon Game
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 14, 2021 15:04:05 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

As he roamed slowly through the crowd Sénon's eye cut to and fro. He looked for any familiar faces but also to find anyone that might be looking for him.

Cait's request to leave the Rangers had been rolling over in his mind. Even now he pondered the ramification of both sides of such a decision. In the meantime he'd used his amassing clout with the sub-organization to push watch and security duties for the Festival onto those less proven.

If any dangers went down, he was here and his eight were ready but he left it on someone else to stand around, waiting for trouble.

Making his way to a food stand he ordered a fried basket of finger-foods. Wandering by himself for the moment. He'd insisted Cait meet him here but these big gatherings didn't seem to be her style.

● tags: @vsfest
● notes: post 01

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
0 posts
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 14, 2021 16:47:33 GMT
Deleted Avatar
he tugged slightly at his sleeves, unconcerned with the fact that it wasn't normal attire. gendered clothing was stupid and he'd wear whatever the absolute fuck he wanted to. festivals like this made him miss home, made him miss the few things that he liked about the place. but hoenn would do fine for what he was doing now. he wasn't going to get melancholy over the past while there were lanterns surrounding him and the sound of people enjoying the festival. instead he walked through the food stalls, feng curled on his shoulder and mussing his clothes slightly as she refused to walk. chunhua walked next to him, her leaves wrapped around his free hand to hold it so that she wouldn't get lost within the crowd.

more than anything he was hungry. mostly for the tempura vegetables that he could smell but not pin point in between all the other food smells. but he had time. after all this was an all night thing and there was no point in rushing it out. eventually he'd find his way to wherever he was supposed to be. all he had to do was hope that nothing would end up screwing up his evening. though he wasn't counting on there being an actual relaxing night ever. not in hoenn.
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November 16th
Jubilife City
Former Beast
You don't wanna see me bratty~
595 posts
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TAG WITH @sailorarti
Serena Malcolm
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 14, 2021 16:47:48 GMT
Serena Malcolm Avatar
Serena's Outfit
[attr="class","hearmenand22"]"Of course have fun, but remember to snap a few pictures of you at this festival. It would do well on your page. Maybe even get to join you?" Aisha said as clicking of her car's turning signal started up. Serena on the other hand, hummed along with the music playing on the radio while she touched up her makeup from the passenger side mirror. "Work, work, work. Do you ever relax?" Serena teased with a snicker. Her manager rolled her eyes and continued. "Maybe even a little video this time too. Just of you enjoying the festivities."

Serena groaned before pursing her lips together once more to check her lipstick. When she was satisfied she dropped the rest of her makeup in her purse and turned to face Aisha. "I'm not a novice you know. I got this, trust me." Serena said as the pair pulled up close to the location. "I trust you. Just trying to keep you on track is all." Aisha said as she parked the car. Serena fluffed her blonde locks once more in the mirror before flipping it back up and winking at Aisha. "I'm a professional babe." She teased once more as she unbuckled her seat belt and got out of the car. "Thanks again!" She shouted and waved back at her manager.

The crisp and frigid air nipped at her nose almost instantly as the blonde made her way towards Oldale's festival. Shivering slightly, Serena pulled her crimson coat tighter around her as she quickened her pace. She followed the sound of music and the smell of good food. This was the first time in a while she really had a moment to herself. As much as her manager was a workaholic, Serena intended to enjoy herself and let loose. She'd been so busy lately with sponsorship, other brand deals, interviews, and her normal steaming duties. And when she wasn't working on those things she was busy taking care of missions with Rocket. Things had been even more hectic since the reveal that Rocket was back in business.

For now, Serena still kept her membership a secret, especially since the general public still viewed the group skeptically. But it was enough to say Sera had a lot on her plate and she believed she was long over due for a little TLC. Her phone buzzed in her pocket as soon as she approached the stalls and crowd. Pulling it out she noticed some missed texts from her brother, . She already let him know she'd be here, but she figured she didn't need to meet up with him right away. She'd enjoy some stuff to herself for a bit before linking up.

Instead she sent a quick text to Noelani asking if he'd be making an appearance at the festival this evening before putting her phone away and looking around. "I wonder if there are any monjayaki stalls around?" Serena thought to herself as she sniffed the air. Her stomach growled in response. She'd skipped a meal today since she was so busy and now she was starving. "I'll just have to have a look around." she said to herself as she shoved her hands in her pockets and began her little tour of the stalls.

i ' m - a - k i n g .
dandy ♫

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Rocket Daddy
he / him / his
thirty eight
october 29
Hammerlocke, Galar
History repeats itself—first as a tragedy, then as a farce
789 posts
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TAG WITH @valerio
Valerio Dachev
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 14, 2021 17:04:57 GMT
Valerio Dachev Avatar
It is best that Valerio arrives at the festival this way.

Everyone's eyes are on the Rockets now after what Declan exposes at the conclusion of the league's press conference. Personally, he thinks it is too early for them to unveil their presence especially when there is still opportunity to take advantage of the growing distrust in the government in light of the past incidents and the recently revealed A.Q.U.A. Initiative. However, he is not the one to question their boss and a colleague's brilliance especially when he knows he is instrumental in bringing the organization to unreachable heights.

That is why as a refurnished "Vanessa Agapov," the drag queen struts the brick path of Oldale as she makes way for the center stage. She is set to perform together with her kingdra: a repeat performance of their previous stunts during Littleroot's contest. As soon as descends, Vanessa's geta begins to clack against the platform followed by Naua's hopping.

TL;DR: Valerio arrives as the "new Vanessa" where he repeats his Beauty Contest performances.

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing